Livestream Concert • Stephanie Lamprea Soprano • Vrtual Premiere Rodríguez’ Afonía
The virtuoso soprano Stephanie Lamprea, recognized for her voice acrobatics and intense expressive performance will be offering a Livestream concert for unaccompanied voice titled Sounds and Silence. The concert will include works by Nicole DeMaio, Nick Dunston, Gilda Lyons, Marti Epstein’s famous Klänge, and the virtual premiere of Rodríguez’s Afonía. The concert will take place through the Zoom platform at 2:00pm EDT.
Gilda Lyons: A Manual for the Use of Wings
Nicole DeMaio: Going
Nick Dunston: Amygdala
Iván Enrique Rodríguez: Afonía
Marti Epstein: Klänge